"Matthew from VT just saved $107.98 off the Virginia Tech Bookstore price"

S23 > VT > GIA >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

GIA5004Power and Policy in the U.S.
GIA5034Global Political Economy
GIA5115Research Methods I
GIA5116Research Methods I
GIA5254Global Conflicts
GIA5284Transnational Migration
GIA5314Middle East Geopolitics
GIA5484Contem American Foreign Policy
GIA5554Cult Pol Soc Network
GIA5614Israeli Palestinian Conflict
GIA5664Energy/Environmental Security
GIA5904Project and Report
GIA5964Field Work/Practicum
GIA5974Independent Study
GIA5994Research and Thesis
GIA6204Theories in Globalization
GIA7994Research and Dissertation

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