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Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

ISE2004Introduction to ISE
ISE2014Engineering Economy
ISE2214Manufacturing Processes Lab
ISE2974Independent Study
ISE2994Undergraduate Research
ISE3034Tech Comm for Engineers
ISE3204Manufacturing Processes
ISE3214Facilities and Logistics
ISE3414Prob Operations Research
ISE3434Determ Operations Research II
ISE3614Human Factors Ergon Engr
ISE4004Theory of Organization
ISE4005Project Mgt System Design
ISE4015Management Systems
ISE4214Lean Manufacturing
ISE4404Statistical Quality Control
ISE4424Logistics Engineering
ISE4624Work Physiology
ISE4644Risk and Hazard Control
ISE4974Independent Study
ISE4994Undergraduate Research
ISE5015Mgt Organizational Systems
ISE5024ISE Seminar
ISE5034Math Prob & Stat for ISEs
ISE5044Production Systems Analysis
ISE5124Quality Management
ISE5144Efficiency & Productivity
ISE5164Trans and Appl of Emerg Tech
ISE5204Manuf Systems Eng
ISE5264Model & Analysis Semicond Mfg
ISE5424Simulation I
ISE5434Economic Project Evaluation
ISE5474Stat Quality Control
ISE5604Human Information Processing
ISE5614Human Physical Capabilities
ISE5654Human Factors System Design
ISE5714Usability Engineering
ISE5734Occup Health Safety Practicum
ISE5804Fundamentals of SE
ISE5834Decision Analysis for Engr
ISE5854Mission Engineering I
ISE5904Project and Report
ISE5974Independent Study
ISE5994Research and Thesis
ISE6414Integer Programming
ISE6604Visual Displays
ISE6624Adv Topics in Human Fac
ISE7994Research and Dissertation

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