Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.
ISE2004 | Introduction to ISE |
ISE2014 | Engineering Economy |
ISE2214 | Manufacturing Processes Lab |
ISE2974 | Independent Study |
ISE2994 | Undergraduate Research |
ISE3034 | Tech Comm for Engineers |
ISE3204 | Manufacturing Processes |
ISE3214 | Facilities and Logistics |
ISE3414 | Prob Operations Research |
ISE3434 | Determ Operations Research II |
ISE3614 | Human Factors Ergon Engr |
ISE4004 | Theory of Organization |
ISE4005 | Project Mgt System Design |
ISE4015 | Management Systems |
ISE4214 | Lean Manufacturing |
ISE4404 | Statistical Quality Control |
ISE4424 | Logistics Engineering |
ISE4624 | Work Physiology |
ISE4644 | Risk and Hazard Control |
ISE4974 | Independent Study |
ISE4984 | |
ISE4994 | Undergraduate Research |
ISE5015 | Mgt Organizational Systems |
ISE5024 | ISE Seminar |
ISE5034 | Math Prob & Stat for ISEs |
ISE5044 | Production Systems Analysis |
ISE5124 | Quality Management |
ISE5144 | Efficiency & Productivity |
ISE5164 | Trans and Appl of Emerg Tech |
ISE5204 | Manuf Systems Eng |
ISE5264 | Model & Analysis Semicond Mfg |
ISE5405 | Optimization |
ISE5424 | Simulation I |
ISE5434 | Economic Project Evaluation |
ISE5474 | Stat Quality Control |
ISE5604 | Human Information Processing |
ISE5614 | Human Physical Capabilities |
ISE5654 | Human Factors System Design |
ISE5714 | Usability Engineering |
ISE5734 | Occup Health Safety Practicum |
ISE5804 | Fundamentals of SE |
ISE5834 | Decision Analysis for Engr |
ISE5854 | Mission Engineering I |
ISE5904 | Project and Report |
ISE5974 | Independent Study |
ISE5994 | Research and Thesis |
ISE6414 | Integer Programming |
ISE6604 | Visual Displays |
ISE6624 | Adv Topics in Human Fac |
ISE7994 | Research and Dissertation |