Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.
ME2004 | Eng Analysis Numerical Methods |
ME2134 | Thermodynamics |
ME2974 | Independent Study |
ME2994 | Undergraduate Research |
ME3024 | Engineering Design & Econ |
ME3034 | Mech Engng Discourse |
ME3194 | Tech Innov Engng Sus Future |
ME3304 | Heat and Mass Transfer |
ME3414 | Fluid Dynamics |
ME3524 | Mechanical Vibrations |
ME3534 | Controls Engineering I |
ME3604 | Kinematics |
ME3624 | Mechanical Design |
ME3984 | |
ME4005 | Mechanical Engineering Lab |
ME4016 | Engineering Design and Project |
ME4034 | Bio-Inspired Technology |
ME4174 | Spacecraft Propulsion |
ME4204 | Internal Combustion Engines |
ME4454 | Engr. Leadership/Mgmt |
ME4534 | Land Vehicle Dynamics |
ME4614 | Mechanical Design II |
ME4634 | Intro to CAD/CAM |
ME4654 | Optimization Tech in Eng |
ME4824 | Intro Human-Robot Interaction |
ME4864 | Micro/Nano-Robotics |
ME4974 | Independent Study |
ME4984 | |
ME4984A | |
ME4994 | Undergraduate Research |
ME5034 | Bio-Inspired Technology |
ME5174 | Biomech Crash Injury Prevent |
ME5214 | Combustion |
ME5314 | Conv Heat & Mass Transfer |
ME5424 | Turbomachinery |
ME5444 | Interfacial Fluid Mechanics |
ME5454 | Interfacial Thermo Transport |
ME5564 | Applied Linear Control |
ME5674 | Tire Mechanics |
ME5714 | Digital Signal Processing |
ME5734 | Advanced Engineering Acoustics |
ME5794 | Optimization Tech In Eng |
ME5804 | Actv Matls/Smart Struct-I |
ME5824 | Human-Robot Interaction |
ME5864G | Advanced Micro/Nano-Robotics |
ME5904 | Project and Report |
ME5944 | |
ME5974 | Independent Study |
ME5984 | |
ME5994 | Research and Thesis |
ME6104 | Adv Topics in Thermodynamics |
ME6434 | Comp Fluid Dyn Heat Trans |
ME6444 | Verificat Validat Sci Comput |
ME6544 | Linear Control Theory |
ME6574 | Adaptive Control Systems |
ME6744 | Chaos & Nonlinear Dynamics |
ME6984 | |
ME7994 | Research and Dissertation |