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S22 > USF > NUR >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

NUR3026Pat Center Care Ess Nur Pract
NUR3026LPt Care: Ess Nur Prac Clinical
NUR3027LPat Cen Care Ess Nur Prac Lab
NUR3066Hlth Assess Well & Prev acr LS
NUR3066LHlth Asses Well Prev Ac LS Lab
NUR3125Pathophysiology for Nursing Pr
NUR3145Pharmacology in Nurs Practice
NUR3225Complex Health Nursing I
NUR3225LComplex Health Nursing I Clin
NUR3825Intro to Nursing Profession
NUR4069Health Assessment for RNs
NUR4165Evidence based Practice
NUR4169CEBP for Baccalaureate Nurses
NUR4227Complex Health Nursing II
NUR4227LComplex Health Nursing II Clin
NUR4285Healthy Aging
NUR4467Nursing: Women,Child,Families
NUR4467LNurs Care Wom Child & Fam Clin
NUR4535Psychiatric Mental Health Nurs
NUR4535LPsych/Mental Hlth Nur Clinical
NUR4634CPopulation Health
NUR4635Public Health Nursing
NUR4635LPublic Health Nursing Clinical
NUR4827Role Trans & Ldshp in Nurs
NUR4828CEssen Hlthcare Ldshp & Mgmt
NUR4888Coordination of Care in Nurs
NUR4895Educ Role of the Nurse in HC

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