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S22 > VT > PSCI >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

PSCI1004Nations and Nationalities
PSCI1024Comp Gov & Politics
PSCI1034Intro to Intl Studies & PSCI
PSCI2014Intro to Political Theory
PSCI2024Research Methods
PSCI2034Geography of Global Conflict
PSCI2044Food, War and Conflict
PSCI2054Introduction to World Politics
PSCI2064Global Econ and World Politics
PSCI2074Law and Politics
PSCI2084The Evolution of World Order
PSCI2164Foundations Security Environ
PSCI2894Intro Philosophy Politics Econ
PSCI2974Independent Study
PSCI2974HIndependent Study
PSCI3004Prof & Careers in PSCI & IS
PSCI3015Political Theory
PSCI3016Political Theory
PSCI3034The CIA in Todays World
PSCI3054Dark Web Analytics
PSCI3104Security Stud: Theor & Concpts
PSCI3114Global Security
PSCI3115Selected World Problems
PSCI3116Selected World Problems
PSCI3126Intelligence & Natl Security
PSCI3134Global Conflict and War
PSCI3135Strategies of Modern Warfare
PSCI3154Topics Global Public Policies
PSCI3166Global Economic Gov & Policy
PSCI3184Human Security
PSCI3244Political Communication
PSCI3254Media and Politics
PSCI3256Pol Race Eth Gen
PSCI3334Judicial Process
PSCI3344Global Environmental Issues
PSCI3364Con Law Civil and Pol Rights
PSCI3374The Politics of Energy
PSCI3444Administrative Law and Policy
PSCI3514Latin Amer Politics
PSCI3564Violent Political Change
PSCI3574Govt and Pol of Japan
PSCI3615International Relations
PSCI3616International Relations
PSCI3624Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
PSCI3626US-Russia Foreign Policies
PSCI3634Human Rights: Global Issues
PSCI3704National Security Strategy
PSCI3734National Security
PSCI3744Public Policy Analysis
PSCI3794Terrorism and Counterterrorism
PSCI3804European Integration
PSCI3844European Geopolitics
PSCI4024Seminar Diplomacy & Security
PSCI4034Topics in Diplomacy Lab
PSCI4064Seminar in Global Development
PSCI4164Future of Security
PSCI4214Sr Sem Polit Behavior
PSCI4314Sr Sem Polit Instns
PSCI4514Sr Sem Comp Politics
PSCI4614Sr Sem Intl Relations
PSCI4714Sr Sem Policy Anlysis
PSCI4724Sr Sem Polit Theory
PSCI4744Intelligence Analysis Workshop
PSCI4754Internship Program
PSCI4884Adv Philosophy Politics Econ
PSCI4964Field Study
PSCI4974Independent Study
PSCI4974HIndependent Study
PSCI4994Undergraduate Research
PSCI4994HUndergraduate Research
PSCI5114Critical Research Design
PSCI5116Research Methods
PSCI5124Policy Decision-Making STEM-H
PSCI5154STEP Seminar
PSCI5224Perspectives Pol Theo
PSCI5254Global Conflicts
PSCI5324Executive Branch
PSCI5334Judicial Branch
PSCI5414Industrial Democracies
PSCI5444International Politics
PSCI5484Contem American Foreign Policy
PSCI5514Global Security
PSCI5614Israeli Palestinian Conflict
PSCI5894Final Examination
PSCI5974Independent Study
PSCI5994Research and Thesis

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