"Matthew from VT just saved $107.98 off the Virginia Tech Bookstore price"

S22 > VT > BSE >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

BSE2094Intro Metal Fab
BSE2304Landscape Meas & Modeling
BSE2484Engines Power Trains
BSE2994Undergraduate Research
BSE3144Engr Analysis for Biol Systems
BSE3334NPS Assessment & Control
BSE3494Advanced Welding Technology
BSE3504Trans Proc Biol Syst
BSE3524Unit Operations in BSE
BSE3534Bioprocess Engineering
BSE4126Comprehensive Design Project
BSE4304Intro to Watershed Modeling
BSE4344GIS for Engineers
BSE4394Water & Sanitation
BSE4554Creating the Ecological City
BSE4564Metabolic Engineering
BSE4974Independent Study
BSE4994Undergraduate Research
BSE5244Adv GIS in Hydrologic Analysis
BSE5304GAdvanced Watershed Modeling
BSE5344GApplied GIS
BSE5364Stream Restoration
BSE5564GAdvanced Metabolic Engineering
BSE5614Adv in Protein Prod & Eng
BSE5894Final Examination
BSE5904Project and Report
BSE5974Independent Study
BSE5994Research and Thesis
BSE7994Research and Dissertation

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