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S22 > UMCP > CHEM >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

CHEM131Chemistry I - Fundamentals of General Chemistry
CHEM132General Chemistry I Laboratory
CHEM134Chemical Principles for Engineering
CHEM135General Chemistry for Engineers
CHEM136General Chemistry Laboratory for Engineers
CHEM231Organic Chemistry I
CHEM232Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM232SOrganic Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM237Principles of Organic Chemistry I
CHEM241Organic Chemistry II
CHEM242Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM271General Chemistry and Energetics
CHEM272General Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM276General Chemistry and Energetics - Majors
CHEM277Fundamentals of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM395Professional Issues in Chemistry and Biochemistry
CHEM398Special Projects
CHEM399AIntroduction to Chemical Research
CHEM399BIntroduction to Chemical Research
CHEM399CIntroduction to Chemical Research
CHEM399XIntroduction to Chemical Research
CHEM401Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM425Instrumental Methods of Analysis
CHEM433Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
CHEM481Physical Chemistry I
CHEM482Physical Chemistry II
CHEM483Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM484Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
CHEM602Advanced Inorganic Chemistry II
CHEM612Scientific Presentations
CHEM623Optical Methods of Quantitative Analysis
CHEM633Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate
CHEM647Organic Synthesis
CHEM687Statistical Mechanics and Chemistry
CHEM689LSpecial Topics in Physical Chemistry; Interfacing with Instrumentation using LabVIEW
CHEM699Special Problems in Chemistry
CHEM705Nuclear Chemistry
CHEM799Master's Thesis Research
CHEM889ASeminar; Analytical, Nuclear and Environmental Chemistry
CHEM889CSeminar; Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM889DSeminar; Organic Chemistry
CHEM889ESeminar; Physical Chemistry
CHEM889FSeminar; Chemical Physics
CHEM889GSeminar; Physical Organic Chemistry
CHEM889MSeminar; Materials Chemistry
CHEM898Pre-Candidacy Research
CHEM899Doctoral Dissertation Research

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