Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.
FIN250 | Seminar in Financial Planning |
FIN305 | Intermediate Finance |
FIN310 | Investments |
FIN315 | Financial Data Analytics |
FIN320 | Financial Statements Analysis |
FIN326 | Financial Management 2 |
FIN330 | Financial Institutions |
FIN350 | General Insurance |
FIN370 | Personal Finance |
FIN410 | Security Analy/Portfolo Mngmnt |
FIN411 | Derivatives |
FIN421 | Mergers and Acquisitions |
FIN422 | Adv Fin Stmt Analysis |
FIN431 | Energy Law and Regulations |
FIN432 | Energy Financial Accounting |
FIN433 | Energy Financial Risk Mgmt |
FIN452 | Employee Benefit Plans |
FIN453 | Estate and Tax for Advisors |
FIN454 | Property & Liability Insurance |
FIN461 | Advanced Bank Management |
FIN465 | Applied Investment Management |
FIN470 | Advanced Corporate Finance |
FIN485 | Adv Topics-Financial Planning |
FIN491 | Professional Field Experience |
FIN495 | Independent Study |
FIN525 | Derivative Securities |
FIN526 | Portfolio Management |
FIN527 | Alternative Investments |
FIN528 | Integrated Financial Analysis |
FIN529 | FinTech |
FIN743 | Advanced Topics Seminar |
FIN797 | Research |