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West Virginia University  S23 Department List

A&VS Animal and Veterinary Science
ACCT Accounting
ACE Athletic Coaching Education
ADPR Advertising & Public Relations
ADRC Adventure Recreation
ADV Advertising
AEM Applied & Envrnmntl Mcrblgy
AFCS Agrclture, Forstry & Cnsmr Sci
AGBI Agricultural Biochemistry
AGEE Agriculture & Extension Edu
AGRN Agronomy
ANNU Animal Nutrition
ANPH Animal Physiology
ANPR Animal Production
ANRD Agriculture Natural Res & Dsg
ANTH Anthropology
ARBC Arabic
ARE Agriculture & Resource Econ
ARHS Art History
ARSC Arts and Sciences
ASP African/American Studies
ASTR Astronomy
AT Athletic Training
ATTR Athletic Training
AVIA Aviation Management
BADM Business Administration (BADM)
BCOR Business Core
BIOC Biochemistry
BIOL Biology
BIOM Biometric Systems
BIOS Biostatistics
BLAW Business Law
BMEG Biomedical Engineering
BMP Behavior Medicine & Psychiatry
BMS Biomedical Sciences
BTEC Business Technology
BUDA Business Data Analytics
BUSA Business Administration (BUSA)
C&I Curriculum and Instruction
CCB Cell Cancer Biology
CCMD Conjoined Courses
CDFS Child Dev / Family Studies
CE Civil Engineering
CHE Chemical Engineering
CHEM Chemistry
CHIN Chinese
CIS Computer Information Systems
CJ Criminal Justice
CLAS Classics
CMGT Construction Management
COMM Communication Studies
COOP Cooperative Education
COUN Counseling
CPE Computer Engineering
CPSY Counseling Psychology
CRIM Criminology
CS Computer Science
CSAD Comm Sciences and Disorders
CSEE Computer Sci and Elec Engr
CTS Clinical and Translational Sci
CYBE Cybersecurity
CYBR Business Cybersecurity
DANC Dance
DENT Dentistry
DISB Disability Studies
DMC Data Marketing Comm
DRET Drafting/Design Engr Tech
DSCI Data Science
DSGN Design Studies
DSM Design and Merchandising
DTHY Dental Hygiene
ECON Economics
ECSE Early Childhood Special Educ
EDP Educational Psychology
EDUC Education
EE Electrical Engineering
ELET Electrical/Electronic Engr Tec
EMGT Engineering Management
ENDO Endodontics
ENGL English
ENGR Engineering
ENLM Energy Land Management
ENTO Entomology
ENTR Entrepreneurship
ENVP Environmental Protection
EPID Epidemiology
EQST Equine Studies
ESL English as a Second Language
EXCG Exchange Program
EXPH Exercise Physiology
FCLT Foreign Culture
FDM Fashion Dress & Merchandising
FDST Food Science & Technology
FIN Finance
FIS Forensic and Invstgtv Science
FLIT Foreign Lit in Translation
FMED Family Medicine
FNRS Forestry and Natural Res Sci
FRCH French
FRNX Forensic Science & Technology
GEN Genetics
GEOG Geography
GEOL Geology
GER German
GERO Gerontology
GLO Global Competency
GNET General Engineering Tchnlgy
GRAD Graduate Academy
GSCM Global Supply Chain Management
HDFS Human Dvlpmnt & Family Studies
HIED Higher Ed Administration
HIIM Health Informatics/Info Mgt
HIST History
HLSC WIT-Health Science
HMBA Healthcare MBA
HN&F Human Nutrition and Foods
HONR Honors
HORT Horticulture
HPML Health Policy, Mgmt and Ldrshp
HRMG Human Resource Management
HTOR Hospitality/Tourism
HUM Humanities
HUMS Human Services
ID Interior Design
IDT Instructional Design & Tchnlgy
IENG Industrial Engineering
IEP Intensive English Program
ILR Industrial and Labor Relations
IMC Integrated Marketing Comm
IMMB Immunology & Med Microbiology
INBS International Business
INDT Industrial Technology
INTS International Studies
ISYS Information Systems
ITAL Italian
JAPN Japanese
JRL Journalism
LANG Language Teaching Methods
LARC Landscape Architecture
LDR Leadership Studies
LE Literacy Education
LEGS Legal Studies
LING Linguistics
MAE Mechanical and Aerospace Engr
MANG Management
MATH Mathematics
MDIA Media Studies and Technology
MDS Multidisciplinary Studies
MED Medicine
MEET Mechanical Engr Technology
MICB Microbiology and Immunology
MILS Military Science
MINE Mining Engineering
MIST Management Information Systems
MKTG Marketing
MUSC Music
NAS Native American Studies
NEUR Neurology
NRSC Neuroscience
NSCI Neuroscience
NSG Nursing
OBST Obstetrics and Gynecology
OEHS Occptnl and Envr Hlth Sciences
ORGL Organizational Leadership
ORIN Orientation
ORTH Orthodontics
OTH Occupational Therapy
PA Physician Assistant
PALM Path, Anatomy & Lab Medicine
PASS Physical Act / Sport Sciences
PCOL Pharmacology and Toxicology
PE Physical Education
PEDI Pediatrics
PERI Periodontics
PET Physical Education/Teaching
PHAR Pharmacy
PHIL Philosophy
PHYS Physics
PLSC Plant Science
PNGE Petroleum and Natural Gas Engr
POLS Political Science
PPTH Plant Pathology
PR Public Relations
PROS Prosthodontics
PSIO Physiology
PSYC Psychology
PT Physical Therapy
PUBA Public Administration
PUBH Public Health
RDNG Reading
REHB Rehabilitation Counseling
RELG Religious Studies
RESM Resource Management
RPTR Recreation Parks & Tourism Res
RUSS Russian
SAFM Safety Management
SAGE Sustainable Ag Entrepren
SBHS Social & Behavioral Sciences
SCFD Social & Cultural Foundations
SENG Software Engineering
SEP Sport and Exercise Psychology
SM Sport Management
SOC Sociology
SOWK Social Work
SPAN Spanish
SPED Special Education
SRVL Service Learning
ST Surgical Technology
STAT Statistics
SURG Surgery
THET Theatre
ULIB Library Instruction
USAF United States Air Force
UTCH UTeach Program
VETS Veterinary Science
WGST Women and Gender Studies
WMAN Wildlife and Fisheries Mgmt
WVUE WV University Experience

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