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S23 > WVU > MATH >

Below are a list of the classes in this department. Please select a class.

MATH101Concepts of Math Co-Requisite
MATH104Algebra w/Applications Co-Req
MATH106College Algebra Co-Requisite
MATH121Intro Concepts Of Mathematics
MATH122Quantitative Skills Reasoning
MATH124Algebra with Applications
MATH126College Algebra
MATH128Plane Trigonometry
MATH150Applied Calculus
MATH153Calculus 1a with Precalculus
MATH154Calculus 1b with Precalculus
MATH155Calculus 1
MATH156Calculus 2
MATH251Multivariable Calculus
MATH261Elementry Differential Equatns
MATH303Intro Concepts Of Mathematics
MATH322Intro to Computational Math
MATH341Intro Algebraic Structures
MATH343Introduction To Linear Algebra
MATH363Math Foundations Actuarial Sci
MATH373Introduction to Cryptography
MATH375Applied Modern Algebra
MATH378Discrete Mathematics
MATH420Numerical Analysis 1
MATH441Applied Linear Algebra
MATH442Advanced Algebraic Structures
MATH448Probability and Statistics
MATH451Introduction-Real Analysis 1
MATH452Introduction-Real Analysis 2
MATH456Complex Variables
MATH490Teaching Practicum
MATH493BSPTP: Math for Machine Lrng
MATH495Independent Study:Capstone
MATH495AIndependent Study
MATH496Senior Thesis:Capstone
MATH522Numerical Solution of PDE
MATH543Linear Algebra
MATH564Intermediate Diff Equations
MATH566Intermediate PDEs
MATH568Advanced Calculus
MATH590Teaching Practicum
MATH593ASPTP: Grad Problem Solving
MATH595Independent Study
MATH631RUME 1:Intro UG Math Ed Rsrch
MATH641Modern Algebra 2
MATH651Real Variables 2
MATH681Topology 2
MATH696Graduate Seminar
MATH747Adv Topics in Modern Algebra
MATH752Functional Analysis 2
MATH772Matroid Theory 2
MATH795Independent Study
MATH796Graduate Seminar

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